At NorthVanFlorist we are committed to exceptional service and products. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your gift or its delivery, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our network of florists uses only the freshest flowers available for their hand-made bouquets to ensure that you can send flowers with confidence. And since every arrangement is personally delivered, we offer same-day delivery on most orders.
Order Changes and Cancellations
NorthVanFlorist is unable to cancel or change orders already delivered or presently in route. If you find it necessary to cancel or change any other orders, call 1-604-987-0742.
Problems With an Order
At NorthVanFlorist, we make every effort to ensure that you receive excellent service. If, at any time, you experience problems with an order, please let us know.
Sales Tax
All orders are subject to sales tax. You will have an opportunity to review this amount before submitting your order.
Delivery Policy
Every NorthVanFlorist gift bouquet is personally hand-delivered by an industry professional, and we make every effort to deliver your order as quickly as possible.Most of our products can be delivered the same day. Regretfully, we are unable to guarantee time of delivery to rural route addresses, hotels, hospitals, military bases or cemeteries. To request a specific delivery time, please type it into the Special Instructions field during checkout. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences.
Before major holidays, we recommend that you place your orders at least five days in advance.
Delivery to Hospitals
The florists in our NorthVanFlorist network are experienced at making deliveries to hospitals. When placing your order, please be sure to include the hospital name and telephone number, the name of the recipient and room number or ward of the recipient.
NorthVanFlorist will send your gift bouquet in accordance with facility procedures, as most hospitals do not allow florists to personally deliver to individual rooms. Please note that many ICU patients are not permitted to receive flowers. Please check with the hospital before placing your order.
Recipient Not Home
If you have specific instructions for the delivery of your gift bouquet, please note them in the Special Delivery Instructions field during checkout. In all other cases, if the recipient is not at home when the neighborhood florist attempts a delivery, they will either: Call the recipient to schedule an appropriate delivery time.- Leave a note on the recipient's door asking them to contact the florist to schedule a delivery time
- Leave the arrangement in a covered, secure area of the home (porch, garage, or other entrance)
- Leave the gift bouquet with a neighbor and place a message on the recipient's door with this information.
Substitution Policy
Occasionally, floral substitutions are necessary due to temporary, regional availability issues. If this is the case with the gift you've selected, our experienced florists will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will substitute only fresh flowers of equal or higher value.Payment Options
NorthVanFlorist uses the industry's leading security technology to ensure that your order will be safe and secure. Please read our Satisfaction Guarantee and Security and Privacy policies for more information. For your convenience, NorthVanFlorist accepts Visa and MasterCard. You will have an opportunity to review this amount before submitting your order.
International Orders
We are happy to help you send flowers internationally. Please call us at 1-604-987-0742 for assistance.
Order-Related E-mails
Shortly after you place an order, you'll receive an Order Confirmation e-mail. Please put this in a safe place, as it will include all the details of your order, including an order number, in the event you need to contact us. To show our appreciation, you'll receive a Thank You e-mail from us when your gift has been received.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the delivered arrangement look exactly the same as the picture online?Occasionally it is necessary to substitute flowers due to variations in supply across the country. We strive to retain the value and the integrity of the item you have chosen, paying particular attention to colour scheme. When you order one dozen roses you will always receive one dozen roses. When we describe an item with roses, this item will arrive with roses. Roses, in particular, are not substituted as they are deemed critical to the value and integrity of the item ordered.